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Aromatherapy has very quickly become one of my favorite modalities to learn about and to practice.  Nature has supplied us with an amazing and vast array of healing plants and trees which we are able to use on each other for healing; to relax, to get balanced and rejuvenated, and to restore or enhance the body, mind, and spirit.  Through inhalation and body application, the pure essential oils that I use will help to indirectly stimulate the immune system and strengthen and support the self-healing process.  No two people are affected by the same essential oil in exactly the same way, and even though the oils produce certain effects that can be counted on, they also change and adapt to the specific needs of different people.  The results of Aromatherapy are very individual; this is only part of the fun and the challenge of working with essential oils. Plus, they just smell fantastic!



Acupressure is an ancient healing art that can be used to treat as many as 2000 different illnesses.  With the simple press of a finger in just the right place, it uses bipolar electromagnetic energy to bring change to the body and improve circulation to encourage better health.  Acupressure can be used successfully for most painful conditions.

I use Acupressure in all of my massages to tonify and balance the standard points as needed, but I also will treat other areas along the meridians where I find imbalances.


Many of today's health problems can be linked to stress, and Reflexology is primarily a relaxation technique.  When we press a reflex point in the hand or foot a message is sent to the corresponding body part and that part begins to let go of excess stress, tension, and congestion.  It steers the body towards better health and functioning by improving lymphatic drainage and venous circulation, stimulating the nerve pathways and forcing the muscles to relax; the body begins to heal itself.  Chronic conditions seem to respond especially well to Reflexology; Nature has always provided us with the means to heal ourselves and to also maintain good health.  I believe that with regular Reflexology treatments, many health concerns can be reduced or completely disappear.     

Psychosomatic Therapy

Psychosomatic Therapy is all about the link between emotions, the body, and disease. Emotions can affect parts of the physical body, and if the emotion is negative and not dealt with properly then it can cause major physical problems.  For example, sometimes old traumas and feelings, locked away, may lead to physical ailments or emotional distress further down the road. Emotions, good and bad, are an everyday part of life and only those emotions that are not being acknowledged, not moving through the system and being released, could lead to stress and illness months and even years later.

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